SMS - RSMS - Royal Visit 1980

1 HM Enters the Camp 2 HM in Car 3 HM Arriving at HQ SMS 4 HM meeting Civic Dignitaries
5 HM With Chief Royal 6 HM Meets the Team Who Made The Sandingham Map - Album 7 HM Meeting Mick Phillips with Sandringham Map Team 8 HM Meeting John Morgan
9 HM Meeting Pete Markley 10 HM with Pete Markley and Sandringham Map 10a HM Receiving Flowers from Miss Gilhespy 11 HM in the Exhibition Room
12 HM in Exhibition Room with General Barton 13 HM Meeting Pete Sowden in Field Survey Dept 14 HM in Field Survey Dept 15 HM with EDM
16 HM Meeting ASC Student 17 HM Meeting ASC Students 18 HM Meeting ASC Student Simon Farley 19 HM Meeting Overseas Student in Carto
20 HM Meeting Derek Turnbull in Carto Dept 21 HM Meeting Pete Bevis in Photo Dept 22 HM Meeting Dick Kingswell and Dave Jordan in Print DEpt 23 HM in Print Dept
24 HM Tours The Barracks - Album 25 Dave and Bernie Johnson with the Presentation Map 26 HM Signing Photographs

27 Queen Signing Photos 1980

'Royal ink worked better than Officer's Mess ink!!'

28 HM at Garden Party with Roy Campion Introducing Soldiers and Families 29 HM Meeting Officers 30 HM Meeting Officers 31 HM in Carto 1 - Ievers
32 HM in Carto 2 - Ievers